
Consequences of Not Hiring an Elder Abuse Attorney

If you or a loved one has been a victim of elder abuse, it is important to hire an experienced elder abuse attorney to help you pursue a claim. Without an attorney, you may not be able to fully recover the damages you are entitled to. The following are some of the consequences of not hiring an elder abuse attorney:

Every year, thousands of elder abuse lawyer, neglected, or exploited. Many of these elders are unable to defend themselves or get help. They may be physically or mentally unable to speak up for themselves, or they may be afraid of retaliation from their abuser.

If you suspect that an elder in your life is being abused, it is important to get help right away. An elder abuse attorney can help you investigate the situation and take steps to protect the elder. If you do not hire an attorney, there are several consequences that could occur.

 There are many consequences that could occur if you do not hire an attorney to help you with an elder abuse situation.

  1. Further victimized:

If you do not take action to stop the abuse, the elder could be further victimized. The abuser may feel emboldened to continue the abuse or even escalate it. The elder may also be isolated from family and friends who could help them.

  1. Lose their home or money:

An abuser may try to take advantage of an elder’s finances. They may forge the elder’s signature on documents or withdraw money from their accounts. If this happens, the elder could lose their home or life savings.

  1. Placed in a nursing home:

If the abuse is severe, the elder could be placed in a nursing home. This may be against the elder’s wishes and could be very traumatic.

  1. Harmed or killed:

Sadly, in some cases, elders are harmed or even killed by their abusers. If you suspect that an elder is in danger, it is important to get help right away.

An elder abuse attorney can help you protect an elder from further abuse. They can also help you take steps to recover any money or property that has been taken from the elder. If you suspect that an elder in your life is being abused, do not hesitate to get help.


Elder abuse is a serious problem that can have many consequences. If you suspect that an elder in your life is being abused, it is important to get help from an elder abuse attorney. An attorney can help you investigate the situation and take steps to protect the elder.

About Author

Corín Tellado